About the European Green Deal

Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, described the European Green Deal as Europe's "man on the moon" moment. With this plan, the European Union aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, protect and enhance nature, and sustainably transform the European economy and society.

But what exactly is the European Green Deal? How will it shape our everyday life? And what challenges does it pose? In our podcast and webinar series "Green deal – Big Deal?" we take a critical look at these questions and discuss various aspects of the European Green Deal with experts from policy, business and science.

The European Commission's Communication on the European Green Deal is a document of only 24 pages, but its contents represent a seismic shift in European policy: If the ambitious targets are to be met, every major aspect of the European economy – from transport to food production – must be transformed. The economic growth must be decoupled from resource use. The European Green Deal paints a vision of social justice and prosperity, a Europe where no one is left behind. Citizens should enjoy health and well-being and be protected from environmental risks.

Bringing the European Green Deal to life encompasses a variety of activities. It includes new legislative efforts as well as revisions of existing laws and policy instruments. Many actions need to be realised at the European, national and local level. Some initiatives, such as the European Climate Pact, invite citizens to get directly involved in the implementation of the European Green Deal in their communities. Many of the proposed initiatives interact and intersect with each other. The European Green Deal is a truly transformative undertaking that requires us to re-imagine the ways we live, work and play.